Utatane (うたた寝 - Doze/Nap)

Aug 10, 2017 20:33
Recently I often become a state of "utatane" (うたた寝).

"Utatane" means to be about to fall asleep even if you don't want to do so.

The "ne" (寝) of "utatane" means to sleep, but actually, the etymology of the "utata" have yet to be revealed.

Since the "utata" (うたた) can be used as an adverb that means that something progresses steadily and becomes deadly, a theory insists that the "utata" of "utatane" comes from this adverb, and implies that drowsiness progresses.

Another theory insists that the "utata" comes from the onomatopoeia "uto uto," which represents that someone is sleepy.





No. 1 Sharu's correction
  • Recently I often become a state of "utatane" (うたた寝).
  • Recently I often gbecome into a state of "utatane" (うたた寝).
  • The "ne" (寝) of "utatane" means to sleep, but actually, the etymology of the "utata" have yet to be revealed.
  • The "ne" (寝) of "utatane" means to sleep, but actually, the etymology of the "utata" haveis yet to be revealed.
  • Since the "utata" (うたた) can be used as an adverb that means that something progresses steadily and becomes deadly, a theory insists that the "utata" of "utatane" comes from this adverb, and implies that drowsiness progresses.
  • Since the "utata" (うたた) can be used as an adverb wthichat means that something progresses steadily and becomes deadly, a theory insists that the "utata" of "utatane" comes from this adverb, and implies that drowsiness progresses.
I need うたた寝 a lot but it impossible because of 大学
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
Some people do utatane while lectures, haha (TT)
Haha yea it's the best catalyst for a siesta 😉
No. 2 Anisha's correction
As usual it is an interesting entry! I don't think there is a word like this in English. But I'm glad to learn this today! (^w^). I know the feeling of うたた寝 very well (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Thank you for the comment! :)
The feeling of うたた寝 is good, but I don't like a hypnic jerk associated with it.
(o_o) scary!